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“radiant flux density”
irradiance, radiant flux density
1. A radiometric term for the rate at which radiant energy is transferred across a unit area of a surface, commonly measured in watts per square meter.
2. A radiometric term for the rate at which radiant energy in a radiation field is transferred across a unit area of a surface (real or imaginary) in a hemisphere of directions.
2. A radiometric term for the rate at which radiant energy in a radiation field is transferred across a unit area of a surface (real or imaginary) in a hemisphere of directions.
In general, irradiance depends on the orientation of a surface. The radiant energy may be confined to a narrow range of frequencies (spectral or monochromatic irradiance which is characterized by a single frequency) or integrated over a broad range of frequencies.
This entry is located in the following units:
fluct-, flucti-, -flux, flu-, flum-, -fluent, -fluence
(page 7)
radio-, radi-, rad-
(page 1)